Friday, June 19, 2009

somethng that i couldnt tell u..

mm...sedey ble bace luahn aty nymnym('sedih')..
xtklua air mate ble bce..
aku taw y ko sedey ble terigt kngn kt matrx dlu..sgt byk kngn kte
kngn ko n mereke bdk2

aku taw saat2 akhr kt mtrx dlu..aku xspend time ngn korg..aku dok je kt blk..
wat hal sndri sume..
even smtimes aku xtaw pe2 pon y blaku kt korg n bley dkatekn aku xamek taw..
mm..sory korg..aku xtaw npe..
but..tat time.. i only think bout me about da prob..
susa na ckp..tah a..

aku miz korg2 sume...sory coz xslalu jmpe n kwa ngn ko..xlpk ngn korg sume..
but there r smthng tat i couldnt tell u n others..about somethng tat hard 4 me 2 xplain..
juz let me keep all this myself.. not marini y dlu..
everythng was changed after mtrx..
i even dnt noe what is it but..
i thnk, i changed a lot..

to all my bff..
sory 4 evrythng..keyh..

zety!!!ko g bndg ke?ble?pe2 btaw aku taw...ary 2 aku msg sal xrep...haaa..
xna kwn ngn aku da
aku smbg kt sni jew...xg jauh...n myb...kos aku...lri dr bdg kot..
mmg xde kne mngene ngn bio..haha...tpkse spe sow aku men2 an ms mtrx dlu..
so..cte2 aku 2...wat kngn jela...

anym!!!haha...sowy2..diz week aku pon xtklua g mne2...duet xde...sowy ea..
tp pe2...nxt week kte kwa..kli ni btl..aku ajk kwa..k...juz wait 4 my invitation...haha...oke..

sym korg sume...a lottttttttttt!!!!

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