Sunday, December 20, 2009

new lappy.!!!

its already a long time i havnt updated my blog..
yap!!im realy2 busy diz few finish evrythng n settle a few things..
mm..keyh..whateva it doing a vry good job n having a wonderful life for now..

yup..i already kl since 7dec..for a program called 'kem feseni'..hehe
but smua da setle just sitting in my room waiting for a miracle bcoz boring gle na mampos nie...haha..oke la..back to the point...

yesterday i've bought a new lappy..compaq...juz y bese2 jew..
i bought it at low yat with ema(beloved roomate :) ) n along (love <3 ) hehe...
i went there around 1pm n back to da college at 8pm..
realy2 tired that night..but it never can stop me to explore my lappy.. explore2 pon...xpndai gk..haha..
tp tbe2..rse mls..n that stop exploring at 3am..n then tdo..

haa...xpsl2 bgn lmbt...huhu~
igtkn na snap a few pic laptop mls..hehe..